Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Future of Foreign Language As We Know It

As I was discussing Spanish III with my niece the other day, it occurred to me that if foreign language teachers continue in the direction many are heading, the future of foreign language as we know it is bleak at best. My niece mentioned how unfriendly her Spanish teacher is; which in turn was the deciding factor as to why she refused to continue in Spanish. The teacher's outlook on teaching Spanish has to do with "old school" beliefs that Foreign Language should be grammatically difficult as a means to challenge students. While I agree we should always challenge our students; it is the manner in which we choose to do so that will make the difference. 
There are many ways to challenge students in foreign language to stimulate higher-level thinking. Challenging students to find solutions to real global situations plaguing the areas being studied is one of my favorites. I love The Flat Classroom Project! It is the ingenious collaborative effort of Viki Davis and many others. If you are unfamiliar with Flat Classrooms, please, do yourself a favor and check out the many amazing things they have accomplished.
Foreign language teachers need to change their mindsets to match the students they teach. If our goal is student learning, how can we truly believe this, if many continue on the same path with little to no change? Students are no longer choosing to continue in the FL they had been studying. Instead, they are taking other electives after they fulfill the minimal requirement.
Here's the problem with the old mindset; kids are not choosing the conventional language classes and now that computer programming is now an option to fulfill the FL credit,  we now have competition; and compete we must!
Stir things up! Here is an amazing site that provides a multitude of ways technology can be used in a foreign language classroom.Use technology and have students LOVE our beloved foreign language!

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