Friday, June 26, 2015

Agents of Change

Transform Academy is a new program created in Klein ISD that has enabled teachers invited, to "transform" teaching practices. This program has created quite a buzz in the district. I had the opportunity to participate in this elite group and I have to say it was such an encouraging experience! For years I have been making a push for a change in our attitudes towards learner-centered education which includes environment, teaching practices, and blended learning.
So often, educators tend to teach students in the manner they were taught. This might have been fine long ago, but today we have students that are innovators, problem-solvers, and unbelievably creative. We need to provide a learning platform that enables our students to create their own learning experiences. Most districts are reluctant to this philosophy due to accountability. I get it, but if our kids are retaining and truly learning rather than regurgitating, we have no worries when it comes to accountability so long as we are still providing our students with the standards.
Transform Academy also provided us with monies to transform our classroom environments. WOW! What an experience! We were able to try-out the furniture and speak with manufacturers to discuss any concerns we might have. My plans are to create a "language lab" format in my class since I tend to do stations, it is very conducive to collaboration.
I am looking into many options for technology as well. I love Steelecase's MediaScape is a product I would love to have in my classroom but it is just too expensive for a small-scale venture. I have looked into many products that might mimic these features and have come close, but I am not quite there yet.
Many educators choose to look away and continue doing what they have done since the beginning of their career. Teaching is ever-changing; therefore, doesn't make sense that our teaching practices must also change to meet the needs of our learners?

Transform Academy looked at the "whole student" approach. We focused on considering what exactly our students need to learn at their maximum level. Shouldn't this be what every educator does in his/her classroom (regardless of subject)? We explored new technology and approaches at how to best use these in classroom environments. There were educators from elementary, intermediate, and high school present. There was dialog as to what works at the varying levels and what does not.
I love the fact that these 31 educators had an experience of a lifetime to provide their students experiences that will enable them to learn to their full capacity.
Krimmel's theme for the Transform Academy presentation was "Agents of Change". We have seen how this experience has positively affected not only our students, but the excitement of teaching in the school. We really are Agents of Change and are thrilled at all the possibilities!

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