Monday, July 16, 2012

Flipped Classrooms...LOTE Style!

It has been a while since I have posted and there are many new technology resources out there for foreign language teachers! One important concept that is sweeping education today is the flipped classroom. This concept is not about the videos per se, but a way to get students engaged in their learning. For those of you unsure of a flipped classroom, watch this video by Aaron Sams. There are many tools available today to help with videos and animation if this is the road you choose. This one has many resources already created by fellow FL flippers! The key to success is to remember that this concept is not about the video. If you do not have resources to create animated videos, no worries! You can be as successful with a simple video to impart what you want your students to know. A couple things to keep in mind: keep them short and impart humor! Oftentimes, you can find incredible videos on youTube that will serve the pupose perfectly. No need to reinvent the wheel! Another resource for flipping your classroom is the TedEd website. There are fantastic videos you can customize to your teaching. Now, as far as LOTE teacher are concerned, we are still the pioneers. The flipped classroom gives us more application time in the classroom which means more exposure to what we want our students to master. The beauty of this concept is this: when the kids need to apply what they have learned, you are right there to help them so they do not practice incorrectly! It is much more difficult to correct inaccuracy that has been practiced over and over than to teach and model correctly and practice initially. Another advantage is that students can watch the videos, pause, and rewind as many times necessary to help with mastery. The final point I will make in regards to flipping your foreign language classroom is the fact that it caters to all levels of learners. Those that master the concepts quickly can move on. Those who need more time, can spend more time learning and mastering the concepts. It is a win-win for educators. There are many resources for you on the web. I hope you take the time to consider even using this method some of the time in your classroom. I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the results!